Elizabeth Valdellon
 Recording Secretary


          Elizabeth started working for MUNI in January, 1999 as a clerk at the MUNI Human Resources.  In November of the same year, she was hired as a station agent.  She is currently a transit supervisor and works as a dispatcher.

          Elizabeth has been very active with the union since she joined MUNI.  She started as an organizer for SEIU 790 and helped organize the bag screeners at the San Francisco Airport to be unionized.  She was also one of the organizers at the successful Fair Share campaign in San Diego, California where she helped organize all the city workers.  Elizabeth has been involved in COPE campaigns as a member getting cope cards and gathering signatures to help fight state budget deficits.  She also lobbied in Sacramento and Washington DC for issues like healthcare, budget deficits, immigrants rights, etc.  Elizabeth went on staff with SEIU 790 to provide assistance to the union’s Political Department as Interim Political Coordinator.

          As an activist and a leader, Elizabeth held the following positions for SEIU 790.  She was a SF Trustee, Recording Secretary, Chair for the Asian Pacific Islander Caucus (APIC), Chair for the Member Organizing Committee (MOC), and president of the MUNI Station Agents Chapter.  She was also a member of the Citywide Tri Local Bargaining Team (790,250, and 534) for contract negotiations.

          Presently, Elizabeth the Comptroller of the San Francisco A. Philip Randolph Institute.  She is also a second term president of the Asian Pacific American Labor Alliance of San Francisco (APALA), the first and only organization of Asian Pacific union members whose aim is to empower Asian Pacific American workers.


1508 Fillmore Suite 211
San Francisco CA 94115
Phone (415) 922-9428
Fax (415) 922-9415